Stop Copying Your Heroes

You won’t find success by mimicking someone else’s life

Stephen Moore
3 min readFeb 13, 2023
Image: Getty Images

Sometimes, when I watch someone do what they do best, something happens inside of me.

A fire lights in my stomach. My eyes widen.

I’m inspired!

I immediately hunt down every detail of their journey, so I can implement all their secrets into my own life.

You probably see where this is going.

It’s important to have heroes who inspire you to push yourself. But trying to copy them outright is a complete waste of time. There’s a difference between learning from someone and stealing from them. We often forget that distinction.

Too many people fall into the trap of trying to replicate someone else’s path to success, adopting the same “life-changing” habits and the same 10-step morning routines, no matter how much they actually hate cold showers or meditating at 4 a.m. Some even wear the same clothes as their idol (you know who you are, Elizabeth Holmes).

And yet, every single one of these people fails to realize a key thing: that their hero’s successes happened because they were different. Because they had a unique voice. Because they disrupted the status quo.



Stephen Moore

Writer, editor, part-time furniture maker. Subscribe to Trend Mill for critical takes on our dystopian metaverse hellscape future -